Client Onboarding Questionnaire

Welcome to the Lead Dog Marketing Consultants roster of clients. We’re excited to be working with you in the coming weeks and months on your marketing initiative. To help us get you onboarded as quickly as possible, please complete the questionnaire below.

List the desired objectives/project goals that will need to be met in order for this initiative to be considered a success. Include information as to the measurable results desired (examples: We want to increase total clients from x to x; We want to increase annual revenue from $x to $x.)
Whom are we talking to? The better you can define and visualize the target, the better the chance we’ll reach them. Please keep in mind that this should include multiple targets. Include titles and all pertinent information about the audience. List as bullets for ease.
Please type each one on a separate line.

Account Credentials

Please provide your username and password credentials for your PPC accounts (you may also opt to add Lead Dog Marketing Consultants as a Partner/Agency).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload any additional documents necessary to effectively create your campaigns. Files include logos, images, email database, etc.

What is 7+4?